Corporate Credentials

Evahan Pty Ltd is a private company incorporated in Australia.

  • A.C.N.: 696 294 718
  • A.B.N.: 16 696 294 718
  • Director: Jason Bresnehan


Evahan provides three fee offerings, depending upon client circumstances and the outcomes required of the client project:

  • Hourly Rate plus direct costs
  • Fixed price
  • Swap fees for equity


In the Australian jurisdiction, Evahan carries the appropriate levels of insurance cover including:

  • Professional Indemnity
  • Public Liability
  • Worker's Compensation
  • General Insurance

Copies of the insurance Certificate of Currency can provided at the time of client of engagement if required.



A.C.N: 696 294 718
A.B.N: 16 696 294 718
Director: Jason Bresnehan

Fee Structure

Hourly Based
Fixed Price
Swap Fees for Equity


Professional Indemity
Public Liability
Worker's Compensation

Collaboration Partners
Research & Development
Lorem Impsum XYZ
Code of Ethics
Zapple Software
Ignotus 1
Ignotus 6
Ignotus 11
Diversity Policy
Consultare 1
Ignotus 1
Ignotus 7
Ignotus 12
Environmental Policy
Consultare 2
Ignotus 3
Ignotus 8
Ignotus 13
Anti-Discrmination & Harassment Policy
Consultare 3
Ignotus 4
Ignotus 9
Ignotus 14
Work Life Balance
Consultare 4
Ignotus 5
Ignotus 10
Ignotus 15